I specialize in identifying disruptive, core technologies and strategic technology trends in early-stage startups, research universities, government sponsored laboratories and commercial companies.

In my current role, I lead sourcing of strategic technology investment opportunities and managing Dyson’s diligence and outreach processes, specifically in the U.S., Israel and China.

I write here (sporadically) on the convergence of science and engineering, with broader adopted interests in novel disruptive technologies, cognitive psychology, human-computer interaction (HCI), philosophy, linguistics and artificial intelligence (AI).

Architectural Paradigms for Scalable Unstructured Data Processing in Enterprise

Unstructured data encompasses a wide array of information types that do not conform to predefined data models or organized in traditional relational databases. This includes text documents, emails, social media posts, images, audio files, videos, and sensor data. The inherent lack of structure makes this data difficult to process using conventional methods, yet it often contains valuable insights that can drive innovation, improve decision-making, and enhance customer experiences. The rise of generative AI and large language models (LLMs) has further emphasized the importance of effectively managing unstructured data. These models require vast amounts of diverse, high-quality data for training and fine-tuning. Additionally, techniques like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) rely on the ability to efficiently search and retrieve relevant information from large unstructured datasets.

Architectural Considerations for Unstructured Data Systems In Enterprises

Data Ingestion and Processing Architecture. The first challenge in dealing with unstructured data is ingestion. Unlike structured data, which can be easily loaded into relational databases, unstructured data requires specialized processing pipelines. These pipelines must be capable of handling a variety of data formats and sources, often in real-time or near-real-time, and at massive scale. For modern global enterprises, it’s crucial to design the ingestion architecture with global distribution in mind.

  • Text-based Data. Natural language processing (NLP) techniques are essential for processing text-based data. This includes tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, and sentiment analysis. Modern NLP pipelines often leverage deep learning models, such as BERT or GPT, which can capture complex linguistic patterns and context. At enterprise scale, these models may need to be deployed across distributed clusters to handle the volume of incoming data. Startups like Hugging Face provide transformer-based models that can be fine-tuned for specific enterprise needs, enabling sophisticated text analysis and generation capabilities.

  • Image and Video Data. Computer vision algorithms are necessary for processing image and video data. These may include convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image classification and object detection, or more advanced architectures like Vision Transformers (ViT) for tasks requiring understanding of spatial relationships. Processing video data, in particular, requires significant computational resources and may benefit from GPU acceleration. Notable startups such as OpenCV.ai are innovating in this space by providing open-source computer vision libraries and tools that can be integrated into enterprise workflows. Companies like Roboflowand Encord offer an end-to-end computer vision platform providing tools for data labeling, augmentation, and model training, making it easier for enterprises to build custom computer vision models. Their open-source YOLOv5 implementation has gained significant traction in the developer community. Voxel51 is tackling unstructured data retrieval in computer vision with their open-source FiftyOneplatform, which enables efficient management, curation, and analysis of large-scale image and video datasets. Coactive is leveraging unstructured data retrieval across multiple modalities with their neural database technology, designed to efficiently store and query diverse data types including text, images, and sensor data.

  • Audio Data. Audio data presents its own set of challenges, requiring speech-to-text conversion for spoken content and specialized audio analysis techniques for non-speech sounds. Deep learning models like wav2vec and HuBERT have shown promising results in this domain. For enterprises dealing with large volumes of audio data, such as call center recordings, implementing a distributed audio processing pipeline is crucial. Companies like Deepgram and AssemblyAI are leveraging end-to-end deep learning models to provide accurate and scalable speech recognition solutions.

To handle the diverse nature of unstructured data, organizations should consider implementing a modular, event-driven ingestion architecture. This could involve using Apache Kafka or Apache Pulsar for real-time data streaming, coupled with specialized processors for each data type. RedPanda built an open-source data streaming platform designed to replace Apache Kafka with lower latency and higher throughput. Containerization technologies like Docker and orchestration platforms like Kubernetes can provide the flexibility needed to scale and manage these diverse processing pipelines. Graphlit build a data platform designed for spatial and unstructured data files automating complex data workflows, including data ingestion, knowledge extraction, LLM conversations, semantic search, and application integrations.

Data Storage and Retrieval. Traditional relational databases are ill-suited for storing and querying large volumes of unstructured data. Instead, organizations must consider a range of specialized storage solutions. For raw unstructured data, object storage systems like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage provide scalable and cost-effective options. These systems can handle petabytes of data and support features like versioning and lifecycle management. MinIO developed an open-source, high-performance, distributed object storage system designed for large-scale unstructured data. For semi-structured data, document databases like MongoDB or Couchbase offer flexible schemas and efficient querying capabilities. These are particularly useful for storing JSON-like data structures extracted from unstructured sources. SurrealDB is a multi-model, cloud-ready database allows developers and organizations to meet the needs of their applications, without needing to worry about scalability or keeping data consistent across multiple different database platforms, making it suitable for modern and traditional applications. As machine learning models increasingly represent data as high-dimensional vectors, vector databases have emerged as a crucial component of the unstructured data stack. Systems like LanceDB, Marqo, Milvus, and Vespa are designed to efficiently store and query these vector representations, enabling semantic search and similarity-based retrieval. For data with complex relationships, graph databases like Neo4j or Amazon Neptune can be valuable. These are particularly useful for representing knowledge extracted from unstructured text, allowing for efficient traversal of relationships between entities. TerminusDB, an open-source graph database, can be used for representing and querying complex relationships extracted from unstructured text. This approach is particularly useful for enterprises needing to traverse relationships between entities efficiently. Kumo AI developed graph machine learning-centered AI platform that uses LLMs and graph neural networks (GNNs) designed to manage large-scale data warehouses, integrating ML between modern cloud data warehouses and AI algorithms infrastructure to simplify the training and deployment of models on both structured and unstructured data, enabling businesses to make faster, simpler, and more accurate predictions. Roe AI has built AI-powered data warehouse to store, process, and query unstructured data like documents, websites, images, videos, and audio by providing multi-modal data extraction, data classification and multi-modal RAG via Roe’s SQL engine.

When designing the storage architecture, it’s important to consider a hybrid approach that combines these different storage types. For example, raw data might be stored in object storage, processed information in document databases, vector representations in vector databases, and extracted relationships in graph databases. This multi-modal storage approach allows for efficient handling of different query patterns and use cases.

Data Processing and Analytics. Processing unstructured data at scale requires distributed computing frameworks capable of handling large volumes of data. Apache Spark remains a popular choice due to its versatility and extensive ecosystem. For more specialized workloads, frameworks like Ray are gaining traction, particularly for distributed machine learning tasks. For real-time processing, stream processing frameworks like Apache Flink or Kafka Streams can be employed. These allow for continuous processing of incoming unstructured data, enabling real-time analytics and event-driven architectures. When it comes to analytics, traditional SQL-based approaches are often insufficient for unstructured data. Instead, architecture teams should consider implementing a combination of techniques including (i) engines like Elasticsearch or Apache Solr provide powerful capabilities for searching and analyzing text-based unstructured data; (ii) for tasks like classification, clustering, and anomaly detection, machine learning models can be deployed on processed unstructured data. Frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch, along with managed services like Google Cloud AI Platform or Amazon SageMaker, can be used to train and deploy these models at scale; (iii) for data stored in graph databases, specialized graph analytics algorithms can uncover complex patterns and relationships. OmniAI developed a data transformation platform designed to convert unstructured data into accurate, tabular insights while maintaining control over their data and infrastructure. Roe AI

To enable flexible analytics across different data types and storage systems, architects should consider implementing a data virtualization layer. Technologies like Presto or Dremio can provide a unified SQL interface across diverse data sources, simplifying analytics workflows. Vectorize is developing a streaming database for real-time AI applications to bridge the gap between traditional databases and the needs of modern AI systems, enabling real-time feature engineering and inference.

Data Governance and Security. Unstructured data often contains sensitive information, making data governance and security critical considerations. Organizations must implement robust mechanisms for data discovery, classification, and access control. Automated data discovery and classification tools such as Sentra Security, powered by machine learning, can scan unstructured data to identify sensitive information and apply appropriate tags. These tags can then be used to enforce access policies and data retention rules. For access control, attribute-based access control (ABAC) systems are well-suited to the complex nature of unstructured data. ABAC allows for fine-grained access policies based on attributes of the data, the user, and the environment. Encryption is another critical component of securing unstructured data. This includes both encryption at rest and in transit. For particularly sensitive data, consider implementing field-level encryption, where individual elements within unstructured documents are encrypted separately.

Emerging Technologies and Approaches

LLMs like GPT-3 and its successors have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text. These models can be leveraged for a wide range of tasks, from text classification and summarization to question answering and content generation. For enterprises, the key challenge remains adapting these models to domain-specific tasks and data. Techniques like fine-tuning and prompt engineering allow for customization of pre-trained models. Additionally, approaches like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) enable these models to leverage enterprise-specific knowledge bases, improving their accuracy and relevance. Implementing a modular architecture that allows for easy integration of different LLMs and fine-tuned variants might involve setting up model serving infrastructure using frameworks like TensorFlow Serving or Triton Inference Server, coupled with a caching layer to improve response times. Companies like Unstructured use open-source libraries and application programming interfaces to build custom preprocessing pipelines for labeling, training, or production machine learning pipelines, enabling clients to transform simple data into language data and write it to a destination (vector database or otherwise).

Multi-modal AI Models. As enterprises deal with diverse types of unstructured data, multi-modal AI models that can process and understand different data types simultaneously are becoming increasingly important. Models like CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) demonstrate the potential of combining text and image understanding. To future proof organizational agility, systems need to be designed to handle multi-modal data inputs and outputs, potentially leveraging specialized hardware like GPUs or TPUs for efficient processing as well as implementing a pipeline architecture that allows for parallel processing of different modalities, with a fusion layer that combines the results. Adept AI is working on AI models that can interact with software interfaces, potentially changing how enterprises interact with their digital tools, combining language understanding with the ability to take actions in software environments. In the defense sector, Helsing AI is developing advanced AI systems for defense and national security applications that process and analyze vast amounts of unstructured sensor data in real-time, integrating information from diverse sources such as radar, electro-optical sensors, and signals intelligence to provide actionable insights in complex operational environments. In industrial and manufacturing sectors, Archetype AIoffers a multimodal AI foundation model that fuses real-time sensor data with natural language, enabling individuals and organizations to ask open-ended questions about their surroundings and take informed action for improvement.

Federated Learning. For enterprises dealing with sensitive or distributed unstructured data, federated learning offers a way to train models without centralizing the data. This approach allows models to be trained across multiple decentralized devices or servers holding local data samples, without exchanging them. Implementing federated learning however requires careful design, including mechanisms for model aggregation, secure communication, and differential privacy to protect individual data points. Frameworks like TensorFlow Federated or PySyft can be used to implement federated learning systems. For example, in the space of federated learning for healthcare and life sciences, Owkinenables collaborative research on sensitive medical data without compromising privacy.

Synthetic Data Generation. The scarcity of labeled unstructured data for specific domains or tasks can be a significant challenge. Synthetic data generation, often powered by generative adversarial networks (GANs) or other generative models, may offer a solution to this problem. Incorporating synthetic data generation pipelines into machine learning workflows might involve setting up separate infrastructure for data generation and validation, ensuring that synthetic data matches the characteristics of real data while avoiding potential biases. RAIC Labs is developing technology for rapid AI modeling with minimal data. Their RAIC (Rapid Automatic Image Categorization) platform can generate and categorize synthetic data, potentially solving the cold start problem for many machine learning applications.

Knowledge Graphs. Knowledge graphs offer a powerful way to represent and reason about information extracted from unstructured data. Startups like Diffbot are developing automated knowledge graph construction tools that use natural language processing, entity resolution, and relationship extraction techniques to build rich knowledge graphs. These graphs capture the semantics of unstructured data, enabling efficient querying and reasoning about the relationships between entities. Implementing knowledge graphs involves (i) entity extraction and linking to identify and disambiguate entities mentioned in unstructured text; (ii) relationship extraction to determine the relationships between entities; (iii) ontology management to define and maintain the structure of the knowledge graph; and (iv) graph storage and querying for efficiently storing and querying the resulting graph structure. Businesses should consider using a combination of machine learning models for entity and relationship extraction, coupled with specialized graph databases for storage. Technologies like RDF (Resource Description Framework) and SPARQL can be used for semantic representation and querying.

While the potential of unstructured data is significant, several challenges must be addressed with most important are scalability, data quality and cost. Processing and analyzing large volumes of unstructured data requires significant computational resources. Systems must be designed that can scale horizontally, leveraging cloud resources and distributed computing frameworks. Unstructured data often contains noise, inconsistencies, and errors. Implementing robust data cleaning and validation pipelines is crucial for ensuring the quality of insights derived from this data. Galileodeveloped an engine that processes unlabeled data to automatically identify error patterns and data gaps in the model, enabling organizations to improve efficiencies, reduce costs, and mitigate data biases. Cleanlab developed an automated data-centric platform designed to help enterprises improve the quality of datasets, diagnose or fix issues and produce more reliable machine learning models by cleaning labels and supporting finding, quantifying, and learning data issues. Processing and storing large volumes of unstructured data can be expensive. Implementing data lifecycle management, tiered storage solutions, and cost optimization strategies is crucial for managing long-term costs. For example, Bem’s data interface transforms any input into ready-to-use data, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming manual processes. Lastly, as machine learning models become more complex, ensuring interpretability of results becomes challenging. Techniques like SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) values or LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations) can be incorporated into model serving pipelines to provide explanations for model predictions. Unstructured data also often contains sensitive information, and AI models trained on this data can perpetuate biases. Architects must implement mechanisms for bias detection and mitigation, as well as ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Unstructured data presents both significant challenges and opportunities for enterprises. By implementing a robust architecture that can ingest, store, process, and analyze diverse types of unstructured data, enterprises can unlock valuable insights and drive innovation. Businesses must stay abreast of emerging technologies and approaches, continuously evolving their data infrastructure to handle the growing volume and complexity of unstructured data. By combining traditional data management techniques with cutting-edge AI and machine learning approaches, enterprises can build systems capable of extracting maximum value from their unstructured data assets. As the field continues to evolve rapidly, flexibility and adaptability should be key principles in any unstructured data architecture. By building modular, scalable systems that can incorporate new technologies and handle diverse data types, enterprises can position themselves to leverage the full potential of unstructured data in the years to come.

AI roadmap for enterprise adoption